After-Hours Birthdays 2024 - 25

Friday February 28

Other dates...

4:30 PM  –  6:00 PM

Other times:

If you choose a date and get a message on the left-hand side of the screen above the calendar icon that reads "SOLD OUT", that date has been reserved and is no longer available.

You are about to make your child's birthday dream come true by hosting a celebration that sparks fun, imagination, and excitement! Birthday parties at Sacramento Children's Museum are a great way to celebrate your child’s big day!

Birthdays are available to book online up to two weeks before the date.


  • Non-Members: $425
  • Members: $375


Sign in at the top right of your screen to receive your $50 discount. Discount will be applied during the last step in your reservation process.

Sign up to become a member here.
